How to identify your succulent

How to identify your succulent?

hen we want to start to get in the world of succulents, differentiating one species from another is not an easy task. It is normal that when we are starting it can be frustrating to be aware that we do not know how to distinguish them effectively and it even seems that we will never be able to familiarize ourselves with their complicated names.
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Tips for Planting Succulents in Containers

9 Tips for Planting Succulents in Containers

Succulents are plants capable of supporting and adapting very well to any environment and do not require great care. Its ornamental contribution can help bring life to our garden. It is possible to get a very wide variety of succulents, from some with tiny sizes to arboreal species. They exist in various shapes and colors in these exotic species, and these plants can be a … Continue reading 9 Tips for Planting Succulents in Containers

10 Edible Plants to Grow in Your Garden

10 Edible Plants to Grow in Your Garden

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in growing your own food, and for good reason. Edible gardening allows you to reconnect with nature, reduce your carbon footprint, and enjoy the satisfaction of harvesting fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs right from your backyard. In this article, we’ll explore the wonderful world of edible gardening and share tips for growing your own bountiful harvest at home.
10 Edible Plants to Grow in Your Garden Continue reading 10 Edible Plants to Grow in Your Garden