How to get rid of sweat stains

How to get rid of sweat stains?

Why do sweat stains appear?

The sweat glands have important functions in hydrochloride metabolism, in thermoregulation by the evaporation of sweat and moisture from the skin’s surface. Humans have two types of sweat glands, eccrine and aprocrine. The former are responsible for producing most of the sweat. This sweat is made up of water and salt, if we sweat too much through these glands it is possible that white marks remain on our clothes; this is because when the sweat dries the salts of this sweat are transferred to the clothes.

The second type of sweat gland, the apocrine glands, secrete thicker and oily sweat that generally produce the particular aroma of each person, but when it comes into contact with the many bacteria on the surface of the skin, it emits a colored liquid that stains clothes.

How fast do sweat stains form?

It depends on the composition of the sweat of each person, but once there is a stain on the garment, it is best to wash it as soon as possible, if possible within 24 hours. In this way we will prevent it from being fixed to the fabric and leaving a residue that is difficult to remove.

How to remove sweat stains on white clothes?

There are a number of home methods that can be effective in combating yellowish stains caused by sweat on our white clothes. Many of these solutions are simple and only require elements that we have at home.


White vinegar is a very natural and versatile product that, in addition to cleaning, also helps us disinfect. There is no scientific evidence that this is effective against sweat stains on white clothes, however, there are countless testimonials from people who have tried this method and it has worked wonders, some even claim that it eliminates the bad smell and contributes softness to clothing.

If we want to try this method, all we have to do is place the garment in a container and pour half a cup of vinegar over it, placing special emphasis on the sweat-stained areas and let it rest for approximately 15 minutes. After this time we add half a liter of hot water and let it act for about an hour more. Finally, we introduce the garment in a regular wash cycle and let it dry in full sun.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

The use of baking soda for cleaning in our home is a safe and effective way to help remove grease, shine metals and eliminate bad odors. In addition, it also helps us increase the pH of the water to improve the effectiveness of the detergent. However, one of its best known uses is when washing white clothes, this is very useful to repel dirt from fibers and sweat residues, thus leaving our garments whiter and without damage. And, if we want it to be more effective, we can use it together with hydrogen peroxide.

To use it as a bleach and to remove sweat stains from clothes, we have to place two tablespoons of bicarbonate in a container and add half a glass of hydrogen peroxide and mix it well until we get a homogeneous mixture to pour it on the stain, we can rub Gently using a toothbrush to increase the depth of cleaning. We let the mixture rest in the garment for 10 minutes to act on the stain and, finally, we wash the garment regularly.


The salicylic acid in an aspirin can also help lighten white clothes. To try this trick we must dissolve an aspirin in a small glass with water and apply the mixture on the stain. Then scrub gently with a toothbrush and let it sit for 10 minutes. Finally, wash the garment to remove the mixture.

Lemon and baking soda

A lemon paste with baking soda can be very helpful in removing sweat stains from white clothing. To achieve results with this method, it is enough to rub a tablespoon of baking soda with approximately a tablespoon of lemon juice, this will have a moment of effervescence and will create a mixture that we must apply on the yellowish marks of the garments and let it act for about 30 minutes. To make this method more effective, we can rub gently with a toothbrush. At the end, we wash the garment regularly.

How to remove sweat stains on black clothes?

Sweat stains on black or colored garments are a little trickier to remove thanks to the limited options that there may be when applying products on them, especially if we want to take care of and preserve the vivid colors of these. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to get rid of them.

Baking soda

We can use four tablespoons of baking soda with a glass of warm water to form a cleaning paste that can remove white or yellow stains that appear on dark clothes. We can use this same mixture for the collars of the garments and thus eliminate any traces of sweat damage effectively. This technique will be even more powerful and will have a greater chance of success on the first try if we add a splash of vinegar.


A little ammonia mixed with water will do the job of cleaning exceptionally well. To use this technique, we must apply it gently on the area to be cleaned with a sponge, when everything is covered we rub it well so that it works correctly and then we wash the garment in the washing machine.


Thanks to the ingredients in some toothpaste brands, such as peroxide, it can also be used to remove these stains on black clothes. To do this, we must firmly rub the toothpaste directly on the stain, it is best to use a toothbrush for this work. We let it rest for a few minutes and remove it with warm water, rubbing it gently again. To increase the effectiveness of this method we can add a little baking soda on top of the cream.

As we have seen, it is possible to remove sweat stains from clothes with natural ingredients such as baking soda, vinegar and lemon. These can not only help remove stains, but also reduce odors and prevent any future stain formation. However, you should keep in mind that the faster you act against sweat stains; the easier it will be to remove them. Finally, consider that the effectiveness of these products can vary from one garment to another. In addition, there is no scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness, so it is possible that in some cases several washes are necessary to achieve optimal results.

How to remove sweat stains on different materials?

An important point that we must consider carefully is that not all the materials in the garments behave in the same way when subjected to these methods, so it is imperative to know the best methods to treat the different materials from which the garments can be made.


We mix two liters of water, two tablespoons of ammonia and four of hydrogen peroxide and let the garment soak in this mixture for about 30 minutes. Afterwards, we wash it with hot soapy water and, for best results on white garments; we can add a splash of vinegar or lemon juice.


One of the best methods to treat this material without damaging or discoloring it is to immerse the garment in cold water with a jet of vinegar for a couple of hours and then wash as usual.


In the case of this type of material, the home remedy to end the sweat stain is to mix three tablespoons of alcohol and one of ammonia. We apply this mixture on the sweat stain and, after letting it rest for half an hour, wash as usual and dry in full sun.


Silk is one of the most delicate fabrics out there so we must be extremely careful when handling it. It is best to gently rub the stain with a soft cloth, or cotton, soaked in lemon juice. Then wash with plenty of soap and cold water.

How to avoid sweat stains on clothes?

It is important that we know some tips on how to avoid these unsightly stains on clothes. Even using a different antiperspirant or undershirt can make a difference in keeping your garments clean and in great condition.


The first line of defense against stains caused by sweating is the use of antiperspirant, but care must be taken in its application, since in some people aluminum salts can interact with sweat on the surface of the armpits and stain clothing. For reasons like this, it is extremely important that we apply the antiperspirant on completely dry and clean skin, so that in this way it can penetrate well into the sweat gland ducts and not remain only on the surface of our skin. The antiperspirant should also be allowed to dry well before wearing any garment, thus avoiding as much as possible the possibilities of stains on clothing.

Talcum powder

Talcum powder is one of the best remedies to avoid sweat stains on clothes. What we must do is put talcum powder after the deodorant, in the armpit area, and also on the chest and back. In this way we can ensure that any drop of sweat that you produce dries instantly. However, if the working day or the time that you are going to wear the garment is very long or even all day long, this method may not last until night, but this trick can last approximately 8 hours without problem, which is why this is one of the best remedies that can be recommended.


Carrying tissues, preferably those made of blotting paper, in your purse or wallet can be a very practical method to eliminate the perspiration excess at specific times.

Wear an undershirt

Using an undershirt that acts as an absorbent layer makes it harder for moisture to reach our visible garments. In this case, it is best that it be very tight to our, leaving outer clothing loose. Contrary to what you might think, it does not greatly increase body temperature.

It is important to remember the importance of wearing loose or loose clothing to prevent it from coming into contact with some of the areas that are most prone to sweating. In this way, ventilation between the skin and the fabric is favored, and in the event that the stain has occurred, the humidity will dry more quickly than in a tight garment, thanks to this it is less prone to creating permanent yellowish stains on the garments.

Finally, the best thing we can do is maintain a good personal hygiene and nutrition so that our sweat is not so strong in terms of acid and pH and reducing the risk of causing those unpleasant stains on our favorite garments.

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